My name is Vanjela Bellovoda (everybody calls me Nela), I’m
a digital marketer and senior social media strategist
working and living in Albania.

My name is Vanjela Bellovoda (everybody calls me Nela), I’m
a digital marketer and senior social media strategist
working and living in Albania.

My name is Vanjela Bellovoda (everybody calls me Nela), I’m
a digital marketer and senior social media strategist
working and living in Albania.

After an academic journey in psychology, crowned with
two Scientific Masters and a few published articles, my
career path veered into the vibrant realm of marketing.

After an academic journey in psychology, crowned with
two Scientific Masters and a few published articles, my
career path veered into the vibrant realm of marketing.

After an academic journey in psychology, crowned with
two Scientific Masters and a few published articles, my
career path veered into the vibrant realm of marketing.

With each campaign, my proficiency in melding psychological
insights with marketing strategies became my trademark.
My days were abuzz with the exploration of social media
algorithms and managing a myriad of projects, each
a testament to my ability to propel brands into the spotlight.

With each campaign, my proficiency in melding psychological
insights with marketing strategies became my trademark.
My days were abuzz with the exploration of social media
algorithms and managing a myriad of projects, each
a testament to my ability to propel brands into the spotlight.

With each campaign, my proficiency in melding psychological
insights with marketing strategies became my trademark.
My days were abuzz with the exploration of social media
algorithms and managing a myriad of projects, each
a testament to my ability to propel brands into the spotlight.

My journey from the realms of psychology to the marketing domain has equipped me with a unique lens through which I approach each project.

My journey from the realms of psychology to the marketing domain has equipped me with a unique lens through which I approach each project.

My journey from the realms of psychology to the marketing domain has equipped me with a unique lens through which I approach each project.

Let's make your socials pop!

Let's make your socials pop!

Let's make your socials pop!

© 2024 Vanjela Bellovoda. All rights reserved